These are not "good photos". They weren't supposed to be. They were a test: my wife found an old jar of instant deaffeinated coffee at the back of a cupboard. It was unused for a reason - when I saw it, I remembered how bad it tasted! But, says my wife, can you use it for developing film? I've read in lots of places that you absolutely, definitely can't use decaffeinated coffee, but I decided to try it anyway. I put a few frames of very expired FP4 (from a bulk roll) into the first camera that came to hand - an Olympus OZ1 Panorama. Ten minutes later, they were in a tank with my usual Caffenol CL recipe, but using the decaff. And, as you see, I got images. The camera has a tendency to underexpose, but I don't think there is anything wrong with the development.

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