Cemeteries of Jacksonville, FL, Graflex Crown Graphic // Ilford HP5+, 2014(ish)

So I went to load up my 4X5 film holders and, much to my surprise, there was already film in them. Fortunatley was in my black bag when I made this happy discovery. Assuming I was exercising good practice at the time, I decided that those with the film slide turned backwards had been shot. Out of the 8 holders I have, four had backward turned slides, so I loaded 6 of the 8 sheets of film (my tanks limit) and developed them in Arista Premium Liquid Developer (1+9) for 7 minutes. I have a couple of ancient boxes of Ilford HP5+, so I was pretty certain that was what was in the holders. Given the subject matter, these were taken with a Graflex Crown Graphic with a Graflex Optar 135mm lens in 2013 or 2014. A lot at play here: ancient film (expired in the 90s), ancient camera, ancient lens, left sitting in boxes for years undeveloped.

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