Boracay 2012

This trip was peppered with #analogueproblems. 1) My Polaroid's battery door kept popping the AAs out so it would stop working midway through a shot. Had to ask front desk for black tape! 2) I snapped/tore the roll inside my Diana Mini and had to turn our hotel bathroom--which had two floor-to-ceiling windows--into a darkroom to rewind it. 3) I had to scour the island for film coz the four rolls I brought weren't enough. 4) Our boat guy set the Canon Autoboy's D5 switch to Panorama by accident. Despite all of that, I'm so glad things aka photos turned out well! :-) A special beach vacay with my best friend ☀ Expired Kodak Ektachrome film from 1998 photos of this trip here: ☀ Canon Autoboy D5 review:…

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