This was my first time using a roll of this expired Agfaphoto Vista 100 photo paper. I set the ISO to ISO 50 to see the result. It seems that this is not useful, as the photos are overexposed by about one stop.

5 Kommentare

  1. nownownow
    nownownow ·


  2. mackiechartres
    mackiechartres ·

    @nownownow the bridge is watching you !

  3. lomo-elysion
    lomo-elysion ·

    Hey Mackie, overexposed? This time the photos have bright and shiny colors - they seem more colorful than usual. Chartres gets a new and friendly image! ;D

  4. mackiechartres
    mackiechartres ·

    thank you @lomo-elysion !

  5. trad69
    trad69 ·

    Like how it looks like an owl watching over the river. The exposure looks fine, I usually count on halving the film speed for each decade out of date, especially for colour.

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