Translucent Shade

The aperture was set to wide open and unfortunately the lens can't handle the lights that came through so it is full of shade.
___________________________________________ Using Micro-MF as a developer diluted extreme 1:1, agitate full on a first minute then only 15" for the rest until it stop at 7'. ___________________________________________ Stop bath agitate only 1'. ___________________________________________ Using Acifix for the fixer agitate exact the same like the developer. ___________________________________________… | Part 1

4 Kommentare

  1. adi_totp
    adi_totp ·

    glowing ala lucky emang sulit sih.. lo mesti bukaan 16 atau 22

  2. istionojr
    istionojr ·

    @adi_totp bener juga kata lo! barusan ubek2 hasil lucky pake F3 juga emang kl ga mau glowing harus bukaan kecil nih. harus banyak belajar ngakalin pas di proses cucinya nih kaya di forum LensaManual saling share resep cuci lucky.

  3. adi_totp
    adi_totp ·

    @istionojr kalau mau sih, motonya ke depan jangan ke atas.. kalau ke atas yaa tetep glowing sih.. moto setinggi mata memandang aja atau malah ke bawah,hahaha.. gua pengen tri-x.. beli bulk yuk!

  4. istionojr
    istionojr ·

    ciri khas lucky di glowingnya nih ternyata, ya tapi price to quality ratio nya paling masuk sih hehehe.

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