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Album: Canon EOS 450D / Pinhole [Digital]
geteilt von tobster am 2017-01-09 · 6 Fotos -
Album: Yashica FX-D, Kodak Tri-X 400 in Rodinal
geteilt von tobster am 2016-11-11 · 14 Fotos -
Album: Pentax Spotmatic with wide angle 28mm and Agfa CT Precisa 100 (not crossed)
geteilt von tobster am 2016-06-10 · 12 Fotos -
Album: Lago di como - Yashica FX-D and Pentax Spotmatic
geteilt von tobster am 2016-05-14 · 23 Fotos -
Album: Light paintings with Canon Eos 500n / Kodak Gold 200
geteilt von tobster am 2016-05-13 · 6 Fotos -
Album: Close-ups with Yashica FX-D / Agfa CT Precisa 100
geteilt von tobster am 2016-05-04 · 9 Fotos
- Tags:
- allgäu
- autumn
- baltic sea
- berge
- black & white
- black and white
- blumen
- bodensee
- bäume
- cold
- comer see
- contrast
- eis
- expired
- flowers
- fog
- forest
- frozen
- frühling
- grain
- herbst
- hochgrat
- ice
- lago di como
- lake
- lake como
- lake of constance
- lochkamera
- mountains
- nahaufnahme
- nebel
- ostsee
- pinhole
- pond
- pushed
- red filter
- rotfilter
- schwarz weiss
- schwarzweiss
- see
- segelschiff
- spacer
- spring
- sun
- sunset
- trees
- wald
- winter
- wolken
- zwischenring
- Cameras:
- Canon EOS 450D
- Canon EOS 500n
- DIY Holga Pinhole
- Holga 120S
- Pentax Spotmatic
- Yashica FX-2
- Yashica FX-D