Photo of the day on lomography.de, 15/06/2019:
Photo of the day on lomography.de, 19/10/2018:
Photo of the day on lomography.it, 15/03/2018:
Fotos Alben Likes
Album: on the road. again. finally.
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Album: Urlaub
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Album: Stadtflucht
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- Tags:
- 35mm
- architecture
- atomium
- b/w
- baby
- baltic
- beach
- berlin wall
- boat
- building
- car
- castle
- child
- church
- color scan
- colosseum
- double exposure
- drinks
- flowers
- girl
- glass
- haven
- kite
- lake
- landscape
- leaves
- memorial
- mosaic
- mountains
- oldtimer
- playground
- playing
- potd
- reflection
- rodinal
- rome
- ruins
- sea
- self developped
- sicily
- sky
- stray light
- sunny
- syracuse
- tower
- train
- tree
- trees
- water
- yellow filter
- Films:
- Agfa APX 100
- Agfa Precisa 100 CT
- Agfa Vista 400
- CineStill 50 Daylight
- Cinestill 800 ISO Tungsten Xpro C-41
- Cinestill BWXX 250
- Color Implosion Surreal CN Film 135/36
- Foma Retropan 320 135-36 DX Film
- Fujifilm Xtra 400 expired
- Ilford Delta 3200
- Ilford HP5
- Ilford HP5 Plus 400
- Kodak Gold 400 (35mm)
- Kodak T-Max 100
- Lomography Color Negative 100
- Lomography Color Negative 400
- Lomography Earl Grey 100
- Lomography Lady Grey B&W 400 35mm
- Lomography LomoChrome Turquoise XR 100-400 (35mm)
- Washi “D” 500/135 B&W Aerial Film