I love getting a bit too courageous at a party, making a drunk spinner photo and getting a completely non-exposed negative back. Everyone was really excited though, that unique contraption blew everyone's mind. I love getting back pictures where you have to think for half a day what the hell it is you got on film there. Most of all, I love how I don't get why I like this stupid Lomography stuff. It's impractical, I'm carrying three cameras at once, worrying about films once again, getting back terrible pictures I could have done a thousand times better with a cheap telephone camera in a heartbeat. I hate the impulse of wanting to photograph the good stuff you experience, because the best way to ruin a wonderful moment is to try and capture it on film. Yeah, if you're really fucking lucky you might have an okay picture to remember the moment that you don't really remember because you were too busy scurrying for your camera, good job, proud of you. But still, still, I caught myself ordering another camera, showing hardly interested friends the pictures I took, spending too much money on stuff I really, really didn't need. So yeah, I guess the point is, I really, really hate this stuff. Except for when I don't. Because there still is no substitute for the feeling you have when you get to collect your new photos from the lab.
Fotos Alben My Walls Artikel Anmerkungen Likes
Album: Summer 2015 snapshots
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Album: LC-W - Labyrinth
geteilt von math0165 am 2015-09-04 · 6 Fotos -
Album: LC-Wide randoms 022015
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Album: LC-Wide - Budapest
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geteilt von math0165 am 2014-08-18 · 3 Fotos -
Album: LC-A/Spinner - Dour Festival 2014
geteilt von math0165 am 2014-08-18 · 8 Fotos
- Tags:
- 100
- 110
- 360
- artefact
- belgium
- berlin
- black
- bordeaux
- christmas
- chrome
- color negative
- cross
- double
- doubles
- e100g
- elite
- festival
- fire
- fisheye
- flash
- france
- fuji
- ilford
- kodak
- lc-a
- lc-wide
- lcwide
- leuven
- lights
- long
- music
- orca
- overlap
- paris
- park
- process
- provia
- rocket
- rollercoaster
- sensia
- spinner
- spinner360
- sprocket
- theme
- vietnam
- white
- wide
- winter
- xmas
- xpro
- Cameras:
- Kodak Waterproof Single Use Camera
- Lomo LC-A+
- Lomo LC-Wide
- Lomography Fisheye Baby 110
- Lomography Spinner 360
- Lomography Sprocket Rocket
- Films:
- Agfa CT Precisa 100 (35mm)
- Fuji Provia
- Fuji Provia 100F 35mm
- Fuji Sensia
- Fuji Superia 400 (35mm)
- Fuji Superia ISO 400
- Fuji Velvia
- Ilford FP4+ ISO 125
- Ilford HP5 Plus 400
- Kodak E100G
- Kodak Elitechrome 100
- Lomography Color Negative 100
- Lomography Color Negative 400 (35mm)
- Lomography Color Negative 800 ISO 35mm
- Lomography Color Tiger 200 (110)
- Lomography Earl Grey 100 (120)
- Lomography Earl Grey 100 (35mm)
- Lomography Orca 100 B&W (110)
- Lomography X-Pro Chrome 100
- Lomography XPro 200 ISO 35mm