I shoot medium format and 35mm film. Love the Roliecoird, Bronica SQA and the Pentax 67. My 35mm cameras are the leica M3 , olympus om40 and om1. I develop myself at home and use the epson 600 for scanning. I have a Nikon d750 which is never used 😂
I shoot the things in which I love which is mostly my friends and family so I suppose it’s a record of my journey. I would love to shoot more color but it’s just too expensive. A bottle of rodinal never seems to end .
I love film, the flaws , the missed focus, the grain and the feeling. Of course I still try to take the best picture I can but if it’s not perfect who cares. It’s about the image overall.
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- Tags:
- 35mm
- bronica
- bronicasqa
- co
- codonegal
- donegal
- epson
- epsonv600
- gothenburg
- hammarkulke
- hammarkullecarnival2024
- hammarkullen
- hp5
- hp5+
- ilford
- ilfordHP5+
- ilforddelta3200
- ilfordfilm
- ireland
- kentmere
- leica
- leicam3
- pentax67
- rodinal
- småland
- sqa
- standdevolopment
- sweden
- tmax
- toryisland