Some images taken with a Minolta SRT MC I got recently. The SLR I used before is a Minolta XE with a viewfinder full of dust which works very well otherwise. Looking for a camera with a cleaner viewfinder, I stumbled upon the SRT MC and I really like it so far. When I got it, it hadn’t been used in a long time and it had a problem with the mirror not returning after taking a shot. This can be fixed however, by removing the bottom plate and adding a little bit of oil or lighter fluid to the corresponding gear. It also once had a problem of not advancing enough to cock the shutter again, which also could be solved by removing the bottom plate and manually advancing the mechanism. It seems like most of its problems can be solved in the area beneath the bottom plate, which is quite nice. It’s a sturdy old thing and I love how easy repairing it has been so far.

Minolta SRT MC
Minolta SLRs und Latest Camera Test Roll

Ein Kommentar

  1. drummond
    drummond ·

    Tolle Kamera !
    In schwarz ziemlich selten.
    Das Rokkor 35 mm ist sehr gut. Du hast hier ein MC Rokkor aus der letzten Reihe, die haben schon das neue Linsendesign mit 5 Elementen (so wie die späteren MD Rokkore).
    Davor gab es ein älteres Design mit 7 Elementen, dir waren aber noch nicht so gut.

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