Lomography Embassy Store Lima


Hello there, we are Lomography Embassy Store Lima, you can come by while in Peru. You can count with us if you are looking for films, cameras, developing, scanning and printing, or you can just buy us a beer.

Q: Which one is your favorite Lomography camera and why?
A: Wow, difficult question…Honestly I like them all…Lately I’ve been using the LC-Wide a lot, add a Diana Flash and take it to a party, you’ll get some awesome shots. The photos come out like the party was a total mayhem!

Q: What’s the weirdest Lomographic moment you’ve ever had?
A: We gotta ll kind of people coming to the store, from the ones that know nothing about Lomography to hard core Lomographers. In between you find the “know it all” guys, the ones that come by and ask how many mega pixels have the Diana F+

Q: What is the nerdiest question you’ve ever been asked in your shop?
A: Film related questions are always nerdiest and funny, once one guy asked me if we have film of ISO 9001 –which is of course some kind of certificade

Q: Where is the best place to shoot some Lomographic masterpieces in your city?
A: Go to La Punta in the Callao district, its very special and not many people go there to take photos. I’m sure you’ll love it.

Lomography Embassy Store Lima
Calle Tarata 265 Miraflores
Phone: (511) 2436396
e-mail: contactos@zerai.pe
Monday-Friday: 11:00 – 20:00
Saturday: 12:00 – 20:00

geschrieben von mayag am 2013-08-10 in #Orte #boutique #peru #location #lima #shoplocator #film-developing #embassy-store #select-type-of-location #lomography-qeuipment #buying-lomography

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