Lomo'Instant Square with Miria Sabina

Miria Sabina is a young photographer based out of NYC. Her work continues to amaze us as it is inspired by eastern european culture and fashion. Her dramatic, yet sometimes playful images remind us of works from the bauhaus and Dada movement. We got the pleasure to talk to Miria about her work with our beloved Lomo'Instant Square and how she liked working with this format.

Hi Miria, please tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’m a photographer and mixed-media artist currently based in New York. In 2015 I received a bachelor's degree in photography from Pratt Institute, where I focused on the use of this medium to articulate personal narratives of survivors of WWII violence. My work continues with new subjects and locales, as I seek other stories to tell. Recent projects have taken me to Japan, where I spent 3 months exploring the lives of small-town inhabitants and traditional craftsmen. I have a deep and unwavering interest in people's lives, nature, and the beautiful subtleties that only photography has the means to express.

How would you describe your photography style?

I’m still growing as a photographer, so I’m sure if I have a set style just yet. I think it’s important to try out different things in order to find your voice.

What do you like about instant photography?

I like the fact that it is tangible and I can see it appear in real time.

What was your experience with the Lomo'Instant Square?

Shooting with the Lomo’Instant Square was fun! I prefer the square format to the rectangular, but mostly for nostalgic purposes. Having the instant camera on hand when going
on adventures is always a nice addition. Gives you an opportunity to mix things up. The instant camera helped us feed our imagination during our trip. Being able to see the images right after taking them fueled new ideas and made us excited to shoot more, but without the trigger happy tendencies of a digital camera :)

If you could take the Lomo'Instant Square to one place anywhere on this planet, where would you want to shoot with it?


Any advice for young photographers?

The only way you’re ever going to find your own style and voice is if you keep being yourself and don’t let anyone let you feel like your work is pointless. You will always be evolving and growing!

What else do you want to tell our readers?

Don’t rely so much on social media. Go to galleries, see exhibitions and artist talks :)

You can view more of Miria's work on her website

geschrieben von sarahlindsayk am 2018-05-24 in #Ausrüstung #Menschen #lomo-instant-square #miria-sabina

Erwähntes Produkt

Lomo'Instant Square Glass

Lomo'Instant Square Glass

Die Lomo'Instant Square ist die erste und bisher einzige völlig analoge Sofortbildkamera für das Instax Square Format. Sie hält die Welt in einem Schnappschuss fest, während die quadratische Form wortwörtlich für die besten Rahmenbedingungen einer außergewöhnlichen Komposition sorgt. Mit ihrem 95mm (45mm äquivalent) Glasobjektiv und Automatikmodus für perfekte Belichtungseinstellung macht die Lomo'Instant Square das schießen von besonders scharfen und farbenfrohe Bilder kinderleicht.

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